60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media

Derrick Rose’s basketball career and life journey are prime examples of grit, perseverance, and determination. His words, filled with resilience and wisdom, reflect the battles he’s fought both on and off the court, from being the youngest MVP in NBA history to making one of the greatest comebacks after a series of devastating injuries. His captions are perfect for inspiring yourself and your social media followers, and whether they’re about personal growth, overcoming obstacles, or staying humble, Rose’s voice speaks directly to anyone striving for greatness.

In this article, I will provide 60+ Derrick Rose-inspired captions, grouped into themes like Perseverance & Resilience, Work Ethic & Success, Teamwork & Leadership, and Personal Growth. These captions are ideal for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or any platform where you want to share a powerful moment of reflection or motivation.

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media-0
Rise above every life challenge

Perseverance & Resilience

Derrick Rose’s career is defined by his resilience, bouncing back from multiple injuries that many believed would end his time in the NBA. His journey speaks to the power of perseverance, and these captions reflect the unbreakable spirit that defines him.

1. “No matter the fall, rise.”
Rose’s career is a testament to getting back up no matter how many times life knocks you down.

2. “Every setback is a setup for a comeback.”
Inspired by his many comebacks, this caption serves as motivation to keep pushing forward, no matter how far you fall.

3. “The comeback is always stronger.”
After every injury, Rose came back stronger—mentally, physically, and emotionally. This caption reminds everyone that comebacks are more powerful than setbacks.

4. “Pain is temporary, pride is forever.”
The physical pain that Rose has endured has been fleeting, but the pride of overcoming it has been everlasting.

5. “Bounce back stronger every time.”
Rose never let injuries define him. This caption encourages you to emerge stronger from any challenge you face.

6. “Resilience is my middle name.”
Few athletes embody resilience like Derrick Rose. This caption is for those who refuse to give up no matter how hard things get.

7. “Focus on the next play.”
In basketball and life, focusing on what comes next—rather than dwelling on the past—is key. Rose’s ability to focus on the future is an inspiration.

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media-----
Push forward through every setback

8. “Keep pushing, even when it hurts.”
Rose has played through pain more than anyone can imagine. This caption is a reminder to keep going, no matter how difficult things get.

9. “Trust the process, no shortcuts.”
Rose’s road to recovery has never been easy, but his patience and perseverance are why he’s come so far. Trust in your own process with this caption.

10. “Never stop believing in yourself.”
Despite all the doubters, Derrick Rose never lost faith in his abilities. This caption reminds you that self-belief is key.

11. “Success is born in adversity.”
Rose’s success didn’t come easy, but it’s in adversity that he found his greatest strength.

12. “Turn your pain into power.”
Rose turned the pain of injury into motivation for one of the greatest comebacks in NBA history.

13. “Rise through every storm.”
No matter how many storms he faced, Derrick Rose kept rising above them. This caption inspires you to do the same.

14. “Stronger after every battle.”
Every battle, injury, or setback only made Rose stronger. Let this caption remind you that challenges build strength.

15. “The scars tell the story of survival.”
Derrick Rose’s injuries tell the story of survival, not defeat. Wear your scars with pride.

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media--
Hard work leads to success

Work Ethic & Success

Derrick Rose’s success is a testament to hard work and dedication. His career shows that nothing worthwhile comes without effort, and these captions reflect his belief in putting in the work to achieve greatness.

16. “Greatness is earned, never given.”
Rose’s work ethic is what propelled him to greatness, showing that success is always earned through effort.

17. “Hard work makes dreams reality.”
Rose’s dream of becoming an NBA superstar didn’t happen by chance—it was the result of countless hours of hard work.

18. “The grind never stops.”
Whether training or recovering, Derrick Rose has always been grinding. This caption speaks to the unrelenting pursuit of success.

19. “Chase your goals with passion.”
Rose’s passion for basketball drove him to be the best. This caption inspires you to pursue your goals with that same intensity.

20. “Stay humble, stay hungry.”
Rose is known for his humility despite his immense success. This caption reflects the importance of staying grounded while chasing greatness.

21. “Champions are made in silence.”
Rose’s hard work was often done in the quiet hours away from the spotlight. This caption is for those working behind the scenes, knowing their efforts will eventually pay off.

22. “Dream big, work even harder.”
This caption speaks to the idea that dreaming is only the beginning—real success comes from the hard work that follows.

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media------
Stay humble and work hard

23. “Results follow relentless effort.”
For Derrick Rose, results came from his relentless work ethic. This caption is a reminder that consistent effort leads to success.

24. “Put in the work when no one’s watching.”
Rose’s legendary work ethic has been the key to his success, even when the cameras weren’t on him. This caption encourages you to keep working, regardless of recognition.

25. “Hustle for the dream you want.”
Derrick Rose’s hustle took him from Chicago’s Englewood to NBA superstardom. Use this caption to reflect the importance of hustle in achieving your dreams.

26. “Dedication leads to domination.”
Rose dominated the game through dedication to his craft. Let this caption inspire you to be dedicated to whatever you want to master.

27. “Sweat now, shine later.”
Rose’s countless hours in the gym are why he’s able to shine on the court. This caption is a reminder that hard work today brings success tomorrow.

28. “Your work defines your worth.”
For Rose, his work ethic defines who he is. Use this caption to remind yourself that effort and dedication are key to defining your own success.

29. “Success is found in consistency.”
Rose’s ability to consistently work on his game is what led him to become an MVP. This caption encourages consistency as the pathway to success.

30. “Great things never come easy.”
Rose’s success came with countless challenges, but he showed that great things are worth the effort.

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media---
Pain fuels a stronger comeback

Teamwork & Leadership

Though Derrick Rose is an exceptional individual talent, he’s always understood the importance of teamwork and leadership. These captions reflect the value he places on being part of something bigger than himself and leading by example.

31. “Teamwork makes the dream work.”
Even as an MVP, Rose has always stressed the importance of teamwork. This caption highlights the power of working together.

32. “Lead by example, not by words.”
Rose’s leadership is seen in his actions, not just in what he says. This caption is perfect for anyone striving to lead through hard work and dedication.

33. “Together we rise, divided we fall.”
Rose’s success has always been about team effort. This caption speaks to the idea that collaboration is key to overcoming challenges.

34. “Lift others as you climb.”
As a leader, Rose has always supported and lifted up his teammates. This caption encourages you to help others as you pursue your own success.

35. “A great leader makes everyone better.”
Rose’s leadership on the court has made his teammates better, and this caption is a reminder that leadership is about elevating those around you.

36. “One team, one dream.”
This classic caption emphasizes the importance of working together to achieve a shared goal.

37. “The power of many is greater than the strength of one.”
Even as an MVP, Rose recognizes that a team’s strength always surpasses individual talent.

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media----------
Keep grinding until you win

38. “A true leader sacrifices for the team.”
Rose has made sacrifices throughout his career for the good of his teams. This caption reflects the importance of putting others before yourself in leadership.

39. “Success is shared, not solo.”
Rose’s journey shows that no one achieves success alone, and this caption is a reminder that success is often the result of collective effort.

40. “Play for the name on the front.”
This caption refers to playing for the team, rather than individual glory—a perfect reflection of Rose’s team-first mentality.

41. “In unity, there is strength.”
Rose has always believed that team unity is the foundation for success. This caption highlights the strength that comes from working together.

42. “A leader’s job is to inspire.”
Rose’s actions and words inspire not just his teammates but fans worldwide. This caption encourages you to inspire others through your own leadership.

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media----
Believe in your inner strength

Personal Growth & Life Lessons

Derrick Rose’s personal journey has taught him valuable life lessons about growth, overcoming adversity, and staying grounded. These captions reflect the wisdom he’s gained through his experiences.

43. “Stay humble, stay focused.”
Despite his success, Rose has always remained humble and focused on his goals.

44. “Growth comes from discomfort.”
Rose’s many injuries forced him into uncomfortable situations, but they helped him grow stronger both mentally and physically.

45. “Never let fear dictate your life.”
Rose has faced countless obstacles, but he never let fear stop him from reaching his goals.

46. “Embrace the journey, not just the destination.”
Rose’s career shows that the journey—filled with ups and downs—is more important than the end result.

47. “Success starts with self-belief.”
Rose’s belief in himself carried him through the toughest times. This caption is a reminder that self-belief is the foundation of all success.

48. “Learn from the losses.”
Rose’s career has had its share of losses, but those moments were his greatest teachers.

49. “Adversity builds character.”
Rose’s setbacks shaped him into the man and player he is today. Use this caption to remind yourself that challenges build strength and character.

50. “Be patient, the best is yet to come.”
After every injury, Rose believed his best days were still ahead. This caption encourages patience and trust in your journey.

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media--------
Bounce back stronger than ever

51. “Keep your head down and work.”
Rose’s success is a result of keeping his focus on the work, not the accolades.

52. “Failure is not the end.”
Rose’s injuries were setbacks, but they weren’t the end. This caption is a reminder that failure is just part of the process.

53. “Let your actions speak louder than words.”
Rose’s actions on the court have always spoken louder than anything he could say. This caption encourages leading with action rather than talk.

54. “Greatness requires patience and persistence.”
Rose didn’t become an MVP overnight. This caption reflects the importance of patience and persistence in achieving greatness.

55. “The only limits are self-imposed.”
Rose pushed past physical and mental barriers to achieve his success. This caption reminds you that the only real limits are the ones you place on yourself.

56. “Stay true to who you are.”
Through all the ups and downs, Rose has remained true to himself. Use this caption to remind yourself and others to stay authentic.

57. “Be proud of how far you’ve come.”
Rose’s journey has been long and full of challenges, but it’s something to be proud of. Celebrate your own journey with this caption.

58. “The fight isn’t over until you win.”
Rose never stopped fighting, even when the odds were against him. This caption is a reminder to keep pushing until you achieve your goals.

59. “Perfection is impossible, progress is everything.”
Rose’s journey wasn’t perfect, but it was full of progress. This caption encourages you to focus on growth, not perfection.

60. “Find your own path to greatness.”
Rose carved out his own path to success, overcoming every obstacle. This caption is a reminder that everyone’s journey to greatness is unique.

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media---------
Focus on the next opportunity

61. “Adversity reveals true character.”
Rose’s struggles revealed his true strength and character. Use this caption to show that tough times bring out the best in you.

62. “Success isn’t final, keep going.”
Even after reaching great heights, Derrick Rose continued to work hard and push himself. This caption is a reminder that success is not the end; it’s just part of the journey.

63. “Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.”
Rose’s dedication to preparation, both mentally and physically, has been key to his enduring success. Use this caption to emphasize the importance of always being prepared.

64. “Adversity makes the victory sweeter.”
Rose’s struggles with injuries made his triumphs even more meaningful. This caption reminds you that challenges only make your eventual victories that much sweeter.

65. “Keep grinding, your moment will come.”
Despite setbacks, Derrick Rose kept grinding, and his moment came when he won MVP. This caption encourages you to stay persistent until your time arrives.

66. “Be your biggest believer.”
Even when others doubted him, Rose never stopped believing in himself. This caption inspires self-confidence, especially when the odds are stacked against you.

60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media-------
Success is earned through effort

Derrick Rose’s life and career offer a wealth of inspiration, making his journey a source of powerful lessons for anyone seeking motivation. From rising as the youngest MVP in NBA history to battling and overcoming career-threatening injuries, his resilience and determination have made him a role model on and off the court. These 60+ captions from Derrick Rose highlight key themes such as perseverance, hard work, leadership, and personal growth, each reflecting the mindset of a man who never gives up, no matter the obstacles.

Whether you are looking to inspire yourself, motivate your followers, or share a moment of reflection, Derrick Rose’s words provide the perfect captions for social media. His story shows that true greatness is not just about the accolades but the battles fought and won along the way. Let these captions serve as reminders that, like Derrick Rose, you too can rise above challenges and achieve success through dedication, perseverance, and self-belief.

    Derrick Rose’s basketball career and life journey are prime examples of grit, perseverance, and determination. His words, filled with resilience and wisdom, reflect the battles he’s fought both on and off the court, from being the youngest MVP in NBA history to making one of the greatest comebacks after a series of devastating injuries. His captions are perfect for inspiring yourself and your social media followers, and whether they’re about personal growth, overcoming obstacles, or staying humble, Rose’s voice speaks directly to anyone striving for greatness.

    In this article, I will provide 60+ Derrick Rose-inspired captions, grouped into themes like Perseverance & Resilience, Work Ethic & Success, Teamwork & Leadership, and Personal Growth. These captions are ideal for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or any platform where you want to share a powerful moment of reflection or motivation.

    60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media-0
    Rise above every life challenge

    Perseverance & Resilience

    Derrick Rose’s career is defined by his resilience, bouncing back from multiple injuries that many believed would end his time in the NBA. His journey speaks to the power of perseverance, and these captions reflect the unbreakable spirit that defines him.

    1. “No matter the fall, rise.”
    Rose’s career is a testament to getting back up no matter how many times life knocks you down.

    2. “Every setback is a setup for a comeback.”
    Inspired by his many comebacks, this caption serves as motivation to keep pushing forward, no matter how far you fall.

    3. “The comeback is always stronger.”
    After every injury, Rose came back stronger—mentally, physically, and emotionally. This caption reminds everyone that comebacks are more powerful than setbacks.

    4. “Pain is temporary, pride is forever.”
    The physical pain that Rose has endured has been fleeting, but the pride of overcoming it has been everlasting.

    5. “Bounce back stronger every time.”
    Rose never let injuries define him. This caption encourages you to emerge stronger from any challenge you face.

    6. “Resilience is my middle name.”
    Few athletes embody resilience like Derrick Rose. This caption is for those who refuse to give up no matter how hard things get.

    7. “Focus on the next play.”
    In basketball and life, focusing on what comes next—rather than dwelling on the past—is key. Rose’s ability to focus on the future is an inspiration.

    60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media-----
    Push forward through every setback

    8. “Keep pushing, even when it hurts.”
    Rose has played through pain more than anyone can imagine. This caption is a reminder to keep going, no matter how difficult things get.

    9. “Trust the process, no shortcuts.”
    Rose’s road to recovery has never been easy, but his patience and perseverance are why he’s come so far. Trust in your own process with this caption.

    10. “Never stop believing in yourself.”
    Despite all the doubters, Derrick Rose never lost faith in his abilities. This caption reminds you that self-belief is key.

    11. “Success is born in adversity.”
    Rose’s success didn’t come easy, but it’s in adversity that he found his greatest strength.

    12. “Turn your pain into power.”
    Rose turned the pain of injury into motivation for one of the greatest comebacks in NBA history.

    13. “Rise through every storm.”
    No matter how many storms he faced, Derrick Rose kept rising above them. This caption inspires you to do the same.

    14. “Stronger after every battle.”
    Every battle, injury, or setback only made Rose stronger. Let this caption remind you that challenges build strength.

    15. “The scars tell the story of survival.”
    Derrick Rose’s injuries tell the story of survival, not defeat. Wear your scars with pride.

    60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media--
    Hard work leads to success

    Work Ethic & Success

    Derrick Rose’s success is a testament to hard work and dedication. His career shows that nothing worthwhile comes without effort, and these captions reflect his belief in putting in the work to achieve greatness.

    16. “Greatness is earned, never given.”
    Rose’s work ethic is what propelled him to greatness, showing that success is always earned through effort.

    17. “Hard work makes dreams reality.”
    Rose’s dream of becoming an NBA superstar didn’t happen by chance—it was the result of countless hours of hard work.

    18. “The grind never stops.”
    Whether training or recovering, Derrick Rose has always been grinding. This caption speaks to the unrelenting pursuit of success.

    19. “Chase your goals with passion.”
    Rose’s passion for basketball drove him to be the best. This caption inspires you to pursue your goals with that same intensity.

    20. “Stay humble, stay hungry.”
    Rose is known for his humility despite his immense success. This caption reflects the importance of staying grounded while chasing greatness.

    21. “Champions are made in silence.”
    Rose’s hard work was often done in the quiet hours away from the spotlight. This caption is for those working behind the scenes, knowing their efforts will eventually pay off.

    22. “Dream big, work even harder.”
    This caption speaks to the idea that dreaming is only the beginning—real success comes from the hard work that follows.

    60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media------
    Stay humble and work hard

    23. “Results follow relentless effort.”
    For Derrick Rose, results came from his relentless work ethic. This caption is a reminder that consistent effort leads to success.

    24. “Put in the work when no one’s watching.”
    Rose’s legendary work ethic has been the key to his success, even when the cameras weren’t on him. This caption encourages you to keep working, regardless of recognition.

    25. “Hustle for the dream you want.”
    Derrick Rose’s hustle took him from Chicago’s Englewood to NBA superstardom. Use this caption to reflect the importance of hustle in achieving your dreams.

    26. “Dedication leads to domination.”
    Rose dominated the game through dedication to his craft. Let this caption inspire you to be dedicated to whatever you want to master.

    27. “Sweat now, shine later.”
    Rose’s countless hours in the gym are why he’s able to shine on the court. This caption is a reminder that hard work today brings success tomorrow.

    28. “Your work defines your worth.”
    For Rose, his work ethic defines who he is. Use this caption to remind yourself that effort and dedication are key to defining your own success.

    29. “Success is found in consistency.”
    Rose’s ability to consistently work on his game is what led him to become an MVP. This caption encourages consistency as the pathway to success.

    30. “Great things never come easy.”
    Rose’s success came with countless challenges, but he showed that great things are worth the effort.

    60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media---
    Pain fuels a stronger comeback

    Teamwork & Leadership

    Though Derrick Rose is an exceptional individual talent, he’s always understood the importance of teamwork and leadership. These captions reflect the value he places on being part of something bigger than himself and leading by example.

    31. “Teamwork makes the dream work.”
    Even as an MVP, Rose has always stressed the importance of teamwork. This caption highlights the power of working together.

    32. “Lead by example, not by words.”
    Rose’s leadership is seen in his actions, not just in what he says. This caption is perfect for anyone striving to lead through hard work and dedication.

    33. “Together we rise, divided we fall.”
    Rose’s success has always been about team effort. This caption speaks to the idea that collaboration is key to overcoming challenges.

    34. “Lift others as you climb.”
    As a leader, Rose has always supported and lifted up his teammates. This caption encourages you to help others as you pursue your own success.

    35. “A great leader makes everyone better.”
    Rose’s leadership on the court has made his teammates better, and this caption is a reminder that leadership is about elevating those around you.

    36. “One team, one dream.”
    This classic caption emphasizes the importance of working together to achieve a shared goal.

    37. “The power of many is greater than the strength of one.”
    Even as an MVP, Rose recognizes that a team’s strength always surpasses individual talent.

    60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media----------
    Keep grinding until you win

    38. “A true leader sacrifices for the team.”
    Rose has made sacrifices throughout his career for the good of his teams. This caption reflects the importance of putting others before yourself in leadership.

    39. “Success is shared, not solo.”
    Rose’s journey shows that no one achieves success alone, and this caption is a reminder that success is often the result of collective effort.

    40. “Play for the name on the front.”
    This caption refers to playing for the team, rather than individual glory—a perfect reflection of Rose’s team-first mentality.

    41. “In unity, there is strength.”
    Rose has always believed that team unity is the foundation for success. This caption highlights the strength that comes from working together.

    42. “A leader’s job is to inspire.”
    Rose’s actions and words inspire not just his teammates but fans worldwide. This caption encourages you to inspire others through your own leadership.

    60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media----
    Believe in your inner strength

    Personal Growth & Life Lessons

    Derrick Rose’s personal journey has taught him valuable life lessons about growth, overcoming adversity, and staying grounded. These captions reflect the wisdom he’s gained through his experiences.

    43. “Stay humble, stay focused.”
    Despite his success, Rose has always remained humble and focused on his goals.

    44. “Growth comes from discomfort.”
    Rose’s many injuries forced him into uncomfortable situations, but they helped him grow stronger both mentally and physically.

    45. “Never let fear dictate your life.”
    Rose has faced countless obstacles, but he never let fear stop him from reaching his goals.

    46. “Embrace the journey, not just the destination.”
    Rose’s career shows that the journey—filled with ups and downs—is more important than the end result.

    47. “Success starts with self-belief.”
    Rose’s belief in himself carried him through the toughest times. This caption is a reminder that self-belief is the foundation of all success.

    48. “Learn from the losses.”
    Rose’s career has had its share of losses, but those moments were his greatest teachers.

    49. “Adversity builds character.”
    Rose’s setbacks shaped him into the man and player he is today. Use this caption to remind yourself that challenges build strength and character.

    50. “Be patient, the best is yet to come.”
    After every injury, Rose believed his best days were still ahead. This caption encourages patience and trust in your journey.

    60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media--------
    Bounce back stronger than ever

    51. “Keep your head down and work.”
    Rose’s success is a result of keeping his focus on the work, not the accolades.

    52. “Failure is not the end.”
    Rose’s injuries were setbacks, but they weren’t the end. This caption is a reminder that failure is just part of the process.

    53. “Let your actions speak louder than words.”
    Rose’s actions on the court have always spoken louder than anything he could say. This caption encourages leading with action rather than talk.

    54. “Greatness requires patience and persistence.”
    Rose didn’t become an MVP overnight. This caption reflects the importance of patience and persistence in achieving greatness.

    55. “The only limits are self-imposed.”
    Rose pushed past physical and mental barriers to achieve his success. This caption reminds you that the only real limits are the ones you place on yourself.

    56. “Stay true to who you are.”
    Through all the ups and downs, Rose has remained true to himself. Use this caption to remind yourself and others to stay authentic.

    57. “Be proud of how far you’ve come.”
    Rose’s journey has been long and full of challenges, but it’s something to be proud of. Celebrate your own journey with this caption.

    58. “The fight isn’t over until you win.”
    Rose never stopped fighting, even when the odds were against him. This caption is a reminder to keep pushing until you achieve your goals.

    59. “Perfection is impossible, progress is everything.”
    Rose’s journey wasn’t perfect, but it was full of progress. This caption encourages you to focus on growth, not perfection.

    60. “Find your own path to greatness.”
    Rose carved out his own path to success, overcoming every obstacle. This caption is a reminder that everyone’s journey to greatness is unique.

    60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media---------
    Focus on the next opportunity

    61. “Adversity reveals true character.”
    Rose’s struggles revealed his true strength and character. Use this caption to show that tough times bring out the best in you.

    62. “Success isn’t final, keep going.”
    Even after reaching great heights, Derrick Rose continued to work hard and push himself. This caption is a reminder that success is not the end; it’s just part of the journey.

    63. “Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.”
    Rose’s dedication to preparation, both mentally and physically, has been key to his enduring success. Use this caption to emphasize the importance of always being prepared.

    64. “Adversity makes the victory sweeter.”
    Rose’s struggles with injuries made his triumphs even more meaningful. This caption reminds you that challenges only make your eventual victories that much sweeter.

    65. “Keep grinding, your moment will come.”
    Despite setbacks, Derrick Rose kept grinding, and his moment came when he won MVP. This caption encourages you to stay persistent until your time arrives.

    66. “Be your biggest believer.”
    Even when others doubted him, Rose never stopped believing in himself. This caption inspires self-confidence, especially when the odds are stacked against you.

    60+ Captions from Derrick Rose for Social Media-------
    Success is earned through effort

    Derrick Rose’s life and career offer a wealth of inspiration, making his journey a source of powerful lessons for anyone seeking motivation. From rising as the youngest MVP in NBA history to battling and overcoming career-threatening injuries, his resilience and determination have made him a role model on and off the court. These 60+ captions from Derrick Rose highlight key themes such as perseverance, hard work, leadership, and personal growth, each reflecting the mindset of a man who never gives up, no matter the obstacles.

    Whether you are looking to inspire yourself, motivate your followers, or share a moment of reflection, Derrick Rose’s words provide the perfect captions for social media. His story shows that true greatness is not just about the accolades but the battles fought and won along the way. Let these captions serve as reminders that, like Derrick Rose, you too can rise above challenges and achieve success through dedication, perseverance, and self-belief.