Dwight Howard Uncovers Shocking Betrayal, How He Lost $7 Million While Trying to Buy the Atlanta Dream

Dwight Howard Uncovers Shocking Betrayal: How He Lost $7 Million While Trying to Buy the Atlanta Dream

Dwight Howard is no stranger to making headlines, but this time, it’s not about his dominating presence on the court. On his podcast, Above the Rim with DH 12, the 2020 NBA champion revealed a shocking story about how he lost a staggering $7 million due to deceit from someone he trusted—his own agent.

In an emotional and candid conversation, Howard shared the details of how his dream of owning the WNBA’s Atlanta Dream was crushed after being defrauded by the very person he had relied on to help make it a reality.

Dwight Howard Uncovers Shocking Betrayal: How He Lost $7 Million While Trying to Buy the Atlanta Dream
Shocking agent betrayal revealed

A Shattered Dream: The Atlanta Dream Ownership Deal

The eight-time NBA All-Star revealed his intention to buy the Atlanta Dream, a move he had been planning for years. Dwight Howard’s connection to the team went beyond business—it was personal. A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Howard wanted to buy the team for his mother, who already had season tickets. It would have been a heartwarming surprise, and he had grand plans to support his mother’s daughters, who also play basketball.

But there was a catch. Still contracted with the LA Lakers at the time, Howard could not directly own the WNBA team. Instead, he opted to “be behind the scenes making all the decisions.” He entrusted his agent with $7 million to get the deal done.

Howard recalls telling his agent:

“I really trusted this agent because he was my agent, so he had a duty to tell the truth and be honest with me. But these agents, these lawyers, all these people – they be scheming, they be lying, and they all have the same motive: to take from you.”

Despite his trust, the deal fell apart.

“You Lying”: The Moment of Realization

As time passed, Howard became increasingly suspicious about the progress of the deal. When he reached out to his agent, the excuses started to pile up. On his podcast, Howard recalls the moment he knew something was off:

Dwight Howard Uncovers Shocking Betrayal: How He Lost $7 Million While Trying to Buy the Atlanta Dream
$7 million loss exposed

“He kept saying, ‘Man, they won’t call me back now. I can’t get in contact with them.’ I was like, ‘Man, you’re lying. What’s going on?'”

Howard would later discover that the Atlanta Dream had been purchased by a group led by Larry Gottesdiner, chairman of Northland, a real estate company. His $7 million was gone, and the agent was nowhere to be found.

The Aftermath: Howard’s Mental Struggle

The emotional toll on Howard was immense. Losing $7 million would devastate anyone, but for Howard, it wasn’t just about the money—it was about the betrayal. During his 18-year NBA career, Howard earned an impressive $245.1 million, but as he pointed out, taxes, legal fees, and agent commissions significantly reduced that figure. So, when $7 million of his hard-earned money disappeared, it hit hard.

Howard didn’t shy away from expressing the depth of his frustration, confessing:

“That one hurt. … My mental was I wanted to find him and beat the hell out of him! I wanted to k*ll him.”

Though his emotions were raw, Dwight Howard made the wise decision to let justice take its course. His former agent now faces felony charges for embezzling the stolen money, and Howard is currently waiting for compensation.

Moving Forward: Taiwan, Minority Ownership, and Beyond

Despite this significant setback, Dwight Howard continued his journey in basketball. After his bid to own the Atlanta Dream failed, Howard took his talents abroad, playing in Taiwan. Interestingly, he also became a minority owner of the Taiwan Mustangs, continuing his ambition of sports ownership, albeit in a different league.

Though the experience with his agent was devastating, Howard’s resilience is clear. He remains hopeful that justice will be served and that he will see his money returned one day.

Dwight Howard Uncovers Shocking Betrayal: How He Lost $7 Million While Trying to Buy the Atlanta Dream
Howard’s dream ownership fails

Dwight Howard’s story serves as a stark reminder that even at the highest levels of professional sports, trust can be betrayed. His experience highlights the importance of vigilance, especially when dealing with large sums of money and trusted advisers. For Howard, the loss of $7 million was a painful lesson in trust and betrayal.

However, despite the setback, Howard’s passion for the game and his entrepreneurial spirit remain intact. As he continues his career in Taiwan and looks ahead to future opportunities, his story is not just about loss—it’s about perseverance and determination to succeed against the odds.

    Dwight Howard is no stranger to making headlines, but this time, it’s not about his dominating presence on the court. On his podcast, Above the Rim with DH 12, the 2020 NBA champion revealed a shocking story about how he lost a staggering $7 million due to deceit from someone he trusted—his own agent.

    In an emotional and candid conversation, Howard shared the details of how his dream of owning the WNBA’s Atlanta Dream was crushed after being defrauded by the very person he had relied on to help make it a reality.

    Dwight Howard Uncovers Shocking Betrayal: How He Lost $7 Million While Trying to Buy the Atlanta Dream
    Shocking agent betrayal revealed

    A Shattered Dream: The Atlanta Dream Ownership Deal

    The eight-time NBA All-Star revealed his intention to buy the Atlanta Dream, a move he had been planning for years. Dwight Howard’s connection to the team went beyond business—it was personal. A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Howard wanted to buy the team for his mother, who already had season tickets. It would have been a heartwarming surprise, and he had grand plans to support his mother’s daughters, who also play basketball.

    But there was a catch. Still contracted with the LA Lakers at the time, Howard could not directly own the WNBA team. Instead, he opted to “be behind the scenes making all the decisions.” He entrusted his agent with $7 million to get the deal done.

    Howard recalls telling his agent:

    “I really trusted this agent because he was my agent, so he had a duty to tell the truth and be honest with me. But these agents, these lawyers, all these people – they be scheming, they be lying, and they all have the same motive: to take from you.”

    Despite his trust, the deal fell apart.

    “You Lying”: The Moment of Realization

    As time passed, Howard became increasingly suspicious about the progress of the deal. When he reached out to his agent, the excuses started to pile up. On his podcast, Howard recalls the moment he knew something was off:

    Dwight Howard Uncovers Shocking Betrayal: How He Lost $7 Million While Trying to Buy the Atlanta Dream
    $7 million loss exposed

    “He kept saying, ‘Man, they won’t call me back now. I can’t get in contact with them.’ I was like, ‘Man, you’re lying. What’s going on?'”

    Howard would later discover that the Atlanta Dream had been purchased by a group led by Larry Gottesdiner, chairman of Northland, a real estate company. His $7 million was gone, and the agent was nowhere to be found.

    The Aftermath: Howard’s Mental Struggle

    The emotional toll on Howard was immense. Losing $7 million would devastate anyone, but for Howard, it wasn’t just about the money—it was about the betrayal. During his 18-year NBA career, Howard earned an impressive $245.1 million, but as he pointed out, taxes, legal fees, and agent commissions significantly reduced that figure. So, when $7 million of his hard-earned money disappeared, it hit hard.

    Howard didn’t shy away from expressing the depth of his frustration, confessing:

    “That one hurt. … My mental was I wanted to find him and beat the hell out of him! I wanted to k*ll him.”

    Though his emotions were raw, Dwight Howard made the wise decision to let justice take its course. His former agent now faces felony charges for embezzling the stolen money, and Howard is currently waiting for compensation.

    Moving Forward: Taiwan, Minority Ownership, and Beyond

    Despite this significant setback, Dwight Howard continued his journey in basketball. After his bid to own the Atlanta Dream failed, Howard took his talents abroad, playing in Taiwan. Interestingly, he also became a minority owner of the Taiwan Mustangs, continuing his ambition of sports ownership, albeit in a different league.

    Though the experience with his agent was devastating, Howard’s resilience is clear. He remains hopeful that justice will be served and that he will see his money returned one day.

    Dwight Howard Uncovers Shocking Betrayal: How He Lost $7 Million While Trying to Buy the Atlanta Dream
    Howard’s dream ownership fails

    Dwight Howard’s story serves as a stark reminder that even at the highest levels of professional sports, trust can be betrayed. His experience highlights the importance of vigilance, especially when dealing with large sums of money and trusted advisers. For Howard, the loss of $7 million was a painful lesson in trust and betrayal.

    However, despite the setback, Howard’s passion for the game and his entrepreneurial spirit remain intact. As he continues his career in Taiwan and looks ahead to future opportunities, his story is not just about loss—it’s about perseverance and determination to succeed against the odds.